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Biblia pierduta. Roman grafic. Partea a doua Original price was: 129,99 lei.Current price is: 110,49 lei.

Zambetul Imparatiei. The Smile of the Kingdom

100,00 lei

Publisher Manastirea Sihastria
Year 2017
Pages 190
SKU: xnRPns0grkPKmdcV2ygV Categories: ,
Additional information
Publisher Manastirea Sihastria
Year 2017
ISBN-13 9789730249385
Pages 190

"In minunatele fotografii ale albumului, i-am redescoperit pe Parinti. Zambitori si bucurosi ca traiesc tandretea lui Dumnezeu, ascunzandu-si oboseala in camaraderii luminoase. Nu m-am gandit, atunci cand mi s-a propus sa scriu cateva ganduri, la nimic altceva decat la bucuria de a fi cu ei. Pentru a scrie unor prieteni nu iti trebuie motivatie. Ci prieteni. Priviti-i!" – Preot Constantin Necula

    "In the wonderful album photos, I rediscovered the Fathers. Smiling and happy, they live in the tenderness of God, hiding their weariness in bright fellowships. I didn't think, when I was asked to write several lines, about anything but the joy of being with them. To write to friends you don't need motivation. Only friends. Here they are!" - Father Constantin Necula