You And Me, Always : An uplifting novel of love and friendship

47,90 lei

Authors Jill Mansell
Publisher Headline Publishing Group
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 416
SKU: SJkQDDqhikmkesqFZv6H Categorii: , , , Etichete: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Jill Mansell
Publisher Headline Publishing Group
Year 2016
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781472208873
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 416
Cover Paperback brosat

Jill Mansell's YOU AND ME, ALWAYS is a deliciously romantic and poignant read about love, loss and how nothing can stay hidden for ever… If you love the novels of Milly Johnson and Lucy Diamond, you won't want to miss Jill Mansell. 'Achingly romantic… we loved it!' Heat

Lily's always been surrounded by love.

Ever since her mother died, she's been cared for by friends who are as close as any family. 

Coral, her mum's best friend; Patsy, her old babysitter – and even Dan, Patsy's incorrigible younger brother – have always been there for her. 

But when the chance comes to meet the man who was the love of her mother's life, Lily knows she has to take it. Getting to know him could change everything, and not just for Lily…

Alte titluri pentru JillMansell (autor):

Greșelile Mirandei (ediție de buzunar) (2013)


Cel pe care ți-l dorești (2013)
