Write your way to happiness

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Authors Alexandra Bădiță
Publisher Berg
Year 2018
Language Engleză
Pages 164
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Alexandra Bădiță
Publisher Berg
Year 2018
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781999950408
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 164
Cover Paperback brosat

Write Your Way To Happiness is the newest book in the personal development industry with a focused approach on therapeutic writing as part of a daily practice. According to cognitive behaviour specialists, writing down your thoughts and feelings can have profound effects on your health and well-being. Writing offers clarity and mindfulness, which are ever important in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Self esteem coach and author Alexandra Badita offers a thorough guide full of personal experience, heartfelt anecdote and easy to follow practical exercises.