Women with Epilepsy: A Practical Management Handbook

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2014
Pages 291
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Additional information
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2014
ISBN-13 9781107659889
Pages 291

There are unique challenges to the care of women with epilepsy, including the gender-specific influences that women may experience owing to their age, hormonal status, and co-morbidities. Pregnancy is also a very important time for many women with epilepsy. This textbook is a portable, essential guide to the practical management of women with epilepsy. Busy clinicians can access a wealth of information summarized in a succinct and easily accessible format. Experts from around the world have reviewed and synthesized the available data from studies in hormones in epilepsy, pregnancy registries, and many aspects of the care of women with epilepsy from adolescence, through pregnancy, to menopause. Of interest to all who care for women with epilepsy, including neurologists, internists, obstetricians, anesthetists, primary care practitioners, nurses, and lactation consultants.