Wipe-Clean First Sums

34,90 lei


Informații suplimentare
Authors Jessica Greenwell
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2013
Illustrators Kimberley Scott
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781409551492
Dimensions 21x27 cm
Pages 24
Cover Paperback brosat

This fun book is a perfect way to help young children learn how to do simple sums, allowing them to practise time and time again using the special wipe-clean pen. Children will have fun learning basic maths skills as they help the monsters with their sums, including counting balloons at a birthday party and adding up the monsters’ eyes and teeth! A brilliant, interactive way to introduce simple additions and subtractions, with fun illustrations to engage young minds.

Alte titluri pentru JessicaGreenwell (autor):

Noisy Petshop (2018)


1000 de animale (2018)


Alte titluri pentru KimberleyScott (ilustrator):

George – o nouă năzdrăvănie (2020)


Clubul Alb și Negru (2020)
