What Shape Is Space? A primer for the 21st century

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Authors Giles Sparrow
Publisher Thames & Hudson
Year 2018
Language Engleză
Pages 144
SKU: euHPhsiEFUOypEoDqz7W Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Giles Sparrow
Publisher Thames & Hudson
Year 2018
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780500293669
Dimensions 15x22,9 cm
Pages 144
Cover Paperback brosat

The Big Idea shortlisted for series design in the British Design and Production Awards.
What Shape is Space? is a question with surprisingly far-reaching implications for our understanding of the very nature of reality and our place within it. The concepts involved may be sophisticated, but Giles Sparrow's effortless prose style easily renders them understandable, allowing readers to get to grips with the overarching debates at the cutting edge of cosmology today. Infographics, diagrams and astronomical visualizations illustrate and clarify the various astonishing implications of a universe of infinite space.

Alte titluri pentru GilesSparrow (autor):

Testul genialității (2020)


Enciclopedia vizuală a copiilor – Spațiul (2017)


Enciclopedia vizuală a copiilor – Științe (2020)
