Walt Disney, fabricat in Romania comunista
75,00 lei
Publisher | Monitorul Oficial |
Year | 2022 |
Pages | 128 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Publisher | Monitorul Oficial |
Year | 2022 |
Others | |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786060350873 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 210x240 |
Pages | 128 |
Ce mai inseamna astazi Walt Disney? Intr-o epoca a globalizarii care a determinat daca nu stergerea cu desavarsire, cel putin estomparea granitelor culturale, lumea imaginata de acest creator este inca prezenta, deoarece povestile personajelor sale animate isi gasesc si acum un corespondent in viata noastra. Chiar daca din 1928, anul in care aparea figura emblematica a universului Disney, Mickey Mouse, pana astazi, epocile si generatiile s-au schimbat, noi recunoastem figurile acestei lumi pentru ca au devenit ale noastre. Dincolo de industria uriasa care a aparut in jurul siglei Disney, a carei teribila putere de promovare nu trebuie neglijata, se afla simplitatea unor povesti frumoase care nu si-au pierdut inocenta.
Albumul de fata isi propune sa vorbeasca despre acest fenomen, conturat de prezenta si influenta universului Disney in viata cotidiana a cetatenilor Romaniei comuniste. Ne referim la formele productiei romanesti inspirate de subiectul amintit, fie ca vorbim de obiecte de diverse tipuri (jucarii, insigne, timbre, vestimentatie, obiecte de uz casnic etc.), de ambalaje, afise, carti, reviste, ilustratii. Chiar daca acestea erau destinate in general copiilor si adolescentilor, ele patrundeau in universul familial, scolar sau chiar public din epoca.
What does Walt Disney mean today, if anything? In a time of globalization, which caused cultural borders to become blurry, if not entirely obliterated, the world this creator pictured is still with us, because the stories of his animated characters can yet find a match in our lives. Although the times and generations have changed since 1928 – the year Mickey Mouse, the icon of the Disney universe, emerged – we are still able to recognize the characters of that world, because they became ours. Beyond the humongous industry that developed around the Disney brand, one to be reckoned with, holding a tremendous advertising power, there lies the simplicity of beautiful stories that have not lost their innocence.
The current album aims at addressing this phenomenon, sketched by the presence and influence of the Disney universe in the daily life of people living in communist Romania. Here, we are tackling the shapes of Romanian products inspired by this, whether they be various types of objects (toys, badges, stamps, clothing items, household paraphernalia and so on), or packaging styles, posters, books, magazines, illustrations. Although their main target consisted mostly of children and teenagers, they infiltrated one’s family, school community or even the general public of the time.