Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree

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Authors Jane Cadwallader
Publisher ELI
Year 2009
Pages 32
SKU: ZRcFaG4GPEGbIcJ6nuEg Category:
Additional information
Authors Jane Cadwallader
Publisher ELI
Year 2009
ISBN-13 9788853631442
Pages 32

'In the deep green forest what can you see? Ants and snakes and spiders and monkeys up a tree! In the deep green forest what can you do? Take photos. Climb up and swing from trees too!'


A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the life of King Kambogo? You will learn something about the Nyungwe Forest in this exciting adventure where Uncle Jack and the others fly off to Africa to look for a cure for King Kambogo. They don't realise but there are some bad men who don't want them to find the cure!