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Troite romanesti. O tipologie

147,84 lei

Authors Ionel Oprisan
Publisher SAECULUM
Year 2019
Pages 192
SKU: 6wOqyzIW9USgBOeu7OUg Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Ionel Oprisan
Publisher SAECULUM
Year 2019
ISBN-13 9789736423994
Dimensions 17 x 24 cm
Pages 192

Editie bilingva romana-engleza

Infatisam pentru prima data, intr-o sistematizare personal-tipologica, un fenomen, dupa opinia noastra unic in Iume, in ce priveste bogatia formala, spectaculozitatea imagistica si profunzimea simbolica, incercand sa dovedim ca el reprezinta unul din aspectele emblematice ale spiritualitatii nationale. Daca dorim cu adevarat sa stim cine suntem si ce reprezentam sub soare, va trebui sa apelam, intre altele, si la sugestiile pe care ni le ofera troitele (descendentele coloanelor cerului). Volumul de fata constituie o invitatie la descoperirea, cunoasterea si insusirea spirituala a frumusetii lor.


We present for the first time, in a personal-typological systematization, a phaenomenon, in our opinion, unique in the world when it comes to the richness of forms, the imagistic spectacularity and the symbolic depth, trying to prove that it represents one of the emblematic aspects of the national spirit. lf we really want to know who we are and what we represent on earth, we necessarily have to refer, among others, to the suggestions offered by troytsas (descendants of the sky columns). The present album is an invitation to discover, understand and spiritually asshmlate their beauty. – I. Oprisan