Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2012
Pages 383
SKU: BVltA4R6LUmXioWRTJZz Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2012
ISBN-13 9781107030114
Pages 383

Today, the issue of waste management is as prominent as reactor safety in the controversies surrounding nuclear power and is particularly topical in the US since the 2010 closure of the Yucca Mountain repository project. William M. and Rosemarie Alley provide an engaging and authoritative account of the controversies and possibilities surrounding disposal of nuclear waste in the US, with reference also to other countries around the world. The book tells the full history from the beginnings after World War II up to today, bringing to life the pioneering science, the political wrangling and media drama, and the not-in-my-backyard communities fighting to put waste elsewhere. Written in down-to-earth language, by an expert with key involvement in the Yucca Mountain project, this is a timely book for public interest groups, affected communities, policymakers, environmentalists and research scientists working in related fields and anyone interested in finding out more about this important issue.