Tom Jones + CD (Step Four B2.1)

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Authors Henry Fielding
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2012
Language Engleză
Pages 144
SKU: YYed1rr9vEWoXKoweao4 Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Henry Fielding
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2012
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788877549297
Dimensions 15 x 21 cm
Pages 144
Cover Paperback brosat

The kindly gentleman, Mr Allworthy, returns home from a voyage to find that someone has left a baby boy in his house. He adopts the foundling, giving him the name Tom Jones. Mr Allworthy’s sister, Bridget, has a son called Master Blifil. While Tom grows into a wild but honest young man, Blifil becomes a scheming hypocrite. But what happens when Tom falls in love with a neighbouring gentleman’s daughter, Sophia, whose family wish her to marry Blifil?

The Early 18th-century Novel
Tom Jones as a Hero

Alte titluri pentru HenryFielding (autor):

Joseph Andrews (2013)


Alte titluri pentru JamesButler (repovestire-de):

The Taming of the Shrew + audio CD (B2.2) (2024)


The Tragedy of Dr Faustus + CD (Step Four B2.1) (2024)
