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Tom Gates 1: The Brilliant World of Tom Gates
67,99 lei
Authors | Liz Pichon |
Publisher | Scholastic |
Year | 2016 |
Language | Engleză |
Pages | 256 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Liz Pichon |
Publisher | Scholastic |
Year | 2016 |
Others | |
Title (original) | Tom Gates 1: The Brilliant World of Tom Gates |
Language | Engleză |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9781407170985 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 160 x 198 x 19mm |
Pages | 256 |
Cover | Hardcover |
The first title in the bestselling series from the brilliantly talented Liz Pichon – special gift edition. Tom Gates is the master of excuses for late homework: dog attacks & spilt water & lightning… Tom's exercise book is full of his doodles, cartoons and thoughts, as well as comments from his long-suffering teacher, Mr Fullerton.
After gaining five merits for his CAMPING SUCKS holiday story, Tom's work starts to go downhill – which is a pity, as he's desperate to impress Amy Porter, who sits next to him… This gift hardback collector's edition comes with a moving lenticular image on the front cover ABOUT THE SERIES: Written in diary form Full of Tom's doodles and pictures & his amazing sense of humour This first title in the series, was the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize! Perfect gifts for boys & girls who love to laugh themselves silly The first series of The Brilliant World of Tom Gates won the Scottish BAFTA for Entertainment! Love Tom Gates? Don't miss Liz Pichon's spectacular Shoe Wars, a laugh-out-loud, gadget-packed adventure!
Alte titluri pentru LizPichon (autor):
Minunata lume a lui Tom Gates (Vol. 1) (2015)
Totul e uimitor [oarecum]. Tom Gates (Vol. 3) (2015)
Scuze excelente [și alte lucruri minunate]. Tom Gates (Vol. 2) (2023)
Idei geniale [uneori]. Tom Gates (Vol. 4) (2016)
Tom Gates este pur și simplu fantastic [la unele lucruri] (Vol. 5) (2017)
Tom Gates 5: Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things) (2021)
Tom Gates 6: Extra Special Treats (not) (2021)
Tom Gates 13: Epic Adventure (kind of) (2021)
Tom Gates 15: What Monster? (2021)
Tom Gates 15: What Monster? (2021)