The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook. From Lamb Stew to 'Groosling'. More Than 150 Recipes Inspired by the Hunger Games Trilogy

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Authors Emily Ansara Baines
Publisher Astro
Year 2011
Pages 240
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Emily Ansara Baines
Publisher Astro
Year 2011
ISBN-13 9781440526589
Dimensions 18x24
Pages 240

When it comes to The Hunger Games, staying alive means finding food any way possible. Katniss and Gale hunt live game, Peeta s family survives on the bread they make, and the inhabitants of the Seam work twelve-hour days for a few handfuls of grain. For the first time, fans will be able to create recipes found in all three books of the series such as: The Mellark Family s Warm Raisin and Nut Bread Katniss s Favorite Lamb Stew Rue s Radish Salad Gale-Approved Deer Jerky Haymitch s Coconut Rum Cake Fans are starving for more adventures from Katniss, Peeta, and Gale and The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook is sure to whet their appetites!