The Teacher Within

78,00 lei

Authors Susan Shapiro, Simona Baciu
Publisher Studio Impress Design
Year 2019
Language Engleză
Pages 200
SKU: wSLDsdj7lEfy6J6TKkJg Categorii: , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Susan Shapiro, Simona Baciu
Publisher Studio Impress Design
Year 2019
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9789730285468
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 200
Cover Hardcover

The Teacher Within. A Mindful Journey Toward Well-Being For Teachers In The 21St Century.

The Teacher Within is a 100-day journey that guides teachers on a path toward inner harmony. The goal of the book is to enable every teacher to live a healthy, happy and sustainable life while working in the teaching profession. It offers teachers an intimate understanding of their personal well-being, by strengthening the body, mind and heart connection. It is specifically designed for the busy teacher and is written in a user-friendly approach, based on the latest brain research. Teachers are asked to spend no more than five minutes a day, reading the material and completing a Daily Practice followed by a One-Minute Meditation. It is a must read for every teacher who believes he or she deserves a good life. The Teacher Within is your perfect guide.

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Alte titluri pentru SimonaBaciu (autor):

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