The Tale of Troy

47,00 lei

Authors Roger Green
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 240
SKU: NVZ4zJGckentYiCl0dt2 Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Roger Green
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2016
Illustrators Pauline Baynes
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780141341965
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 240
Cover Paperback brosat

The story of Helen and the judgement of Paris, of the gathering Heroes and the seige of Troy; of Achilles and his vulnerable heel, reared by the Centaur on wild honey and the marrow of lions; of Odysseus, the last of the Heroes, his plan for the wooden Horse and his many adventures on his long journey home to Greece. 

With a beautiful introduction by best-selling author Michelle Paver, and additional endmatter including an author profile, who's who, activities, glossary and more. 

Alte titluri pentru PaulineBaynes (ilustrator):

Cronicile din Narnia (2016)


Prințul Caspian. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 4) (2024)


Ultima bătălie. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 7) (2018)


Jilțul de argint. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 6) (2020)


Nepotul magicianului. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 1) (2023)


Calul și băiatul. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 3) (2024)


Călătorie cu Zori de zi. Cronicile din Narnia (Vol. 5) (2023)


The Chronicles of Narnia (2021)


The Chronicles of Narnia box set (2021)


Pachet Seria Cronicile din Narnia (incomplet) (2023)
