The Sketch Book

160,00 lei

Authors Francesc Zamora Mola
Publisher Loft Publications
Year 2015
Language Engleză
Pages 600
SKU: LkXis2M8x0NArp30qQog Categorii: , , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Francesc Zamora Mola
Publisher Loft Publications
Year 2015
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788492731879
Dimensions 30x30 cm
Pages 600
Cover Hardcover

The Sketch book provides a readily available support for anyone to put down on paper one's thoughts, ideas, notes. Sketch books are highly personalized and eventually result in interesting compilations of text, scribbles, simple pencil sketches, elaborate ink drawings, color renderings, photographs, collages and photomontages. It is both useful for the artist who fills up the pages as a record of the development of one or various projects and for others to see the evolution, step by step.

Alte titluri pentru FrancescZamora Mola (autor):

Home Extended : Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Living Rooms, Home Offices, Guestrooms and Garages (2018)


The Home Book (2018)
