The Shaping of EU Competition Law

722,93 lei

Authors Pablo Ibanez Colomo
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2018
Pages 384
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Pablo Ibanez Colomo
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2018
ISBN-13 9781108429429
Pages 384

Based on a unique and comprehensive database, The Shaping of EU Competition Law combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to shed light on the evolution of EU competition law. It brings a new perspective to some of the most topical issues in the field including due process and the intensity of judicial review. The author's main purpose is to examine how the institutional structure influences the substance of EU competition law provisions. He seeks to identify patterns in the behaviour of the European Commission and the EU Courts and how they interact with each other. In particular, his analysis considers how the European Commission reacts to the case law and whether, and in what instances, the EU courts defer to the analysis of the administrative authority. The analysis is supported by the database and an unprecedented array of statistics and figures free to view online.