The Roald Dahl Centenary Boxed Set

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Authors Roald Dahl
Publisher Puffin Books, Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 16
SKU: D5Hd7ovDq0GNwhkq4w1y Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Roald Dahl
Publisher Puffin Books, Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2016
Title (original) The Roald Dahl Centenary Boxed Set
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780141369433
Dimensions 175 x 219 x 142mm
Pages 16
Cover Paperback

This GLORIOUS boxset includes the TOP TEN BESTSELLING and BEST-LOVED Roald Dahl stories of all time! Including:Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the Great Glass ElevatorDanny, the Champion of the WorldFantastic Mr FoxGeorge's Marvellous MedicineJames and the Giant PeachMatildaThe BFGThe TwitsThe WitchesThe books come in beautiful hardback with foiled dust-jackets, and presented in a stunning giftbox. The perfect present for Christmas!

Alte titluri pentru RoaldDahl (autor):

Vrăjitoarele | format mic (2014)


Unchiul Oswald (2023)


George și miraculosul său medicament | format mic (2022)


Domnul Fox, vulpoi fantastic | format mare (2019)


Țoc țoc (2019)


Charlie și Marele Ascensor de Sticlă | format mare (2023)


Danny, campionul lumii | format mare (2019)


Marele Uriaș Prietenos | format mare (2021)


Vrăjitoarele | format mare (2020)


James şi piersica uriaşă | format mare (2021)
