The Press Book. Adventures and Misadventures in Print Media

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Authors Brian Braithwaite Hale
Publisher Astro
Year 2001
Pages 176
SKU: 29HyBZb5Gky1vjE5uu51 Category:
Additional information
Authors Brian Braithwaite Hale
Publisher Astro
Year 2001
ISBN-13 9780720613339
Dimensions 140x215
Pages 176

From the author of an acclaimed study on women's magazines comes the definitive history of one of the most enduring but ever-changeable consumer items of the late 20th and 21st century — newspapers and magazines. This study details the triumphs and travails of the popular post-war press, with a litany of names that will evoke nostalgia — as well as some that provoked outrage on their emergence of a defining era. From Family Circle to Loaded, Picture Post to Zoo, and from Eagle to Hello! the decades after the war have brought readers a carousel of titles that could be intellectually stimulating in one decade while morally bankrupt in the next. Penned by a press professional who saw it all happen and has some interesting ideas about what lies ahead, this is a fascinating story with a host of riveting characters.