The Ones Who Help the Earth

28,00 lei

Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 195
SKU: 7ZDLsldqUSogoYAc3Ug Categorii: , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786069365472
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 195
Cover Paperback brosat

Now, in these times, Earth is going through a transformation process the likes of which it has never encountered before. Light entities from Earth as well as entities from other species desire to take part in this evolutionary process, right alongside us.
Thus, three waves of volunteers have come.
The purpose of this work is to switch Earth's energies to a new frequency, helping mankind change its mentality and awaken from the sleep of ignorance.
The first wave includes people between 40 and 60 years of age. They find it hard to accept violence. Seeing all that is going on in the world, they tend to wish to go "Home", of unknown location but which must be connected to God.
They are alone and unhappy when close to others who express feelings of hate and anger for their brethren.
The place they come from, known as "the heart of God" is characterized by feelings like peace and love, while on Earth they only come across their opposites.
The Earth's energy changes through people such as these.
The second wave of volunteers coming to help planet Earth are between 20 and 30 years of age in this body. They live their lives in a much simpler manner than those from the first wave. They understand the inner mechanisms of Karma and are careful not to make any mistakes, in order to avoid karmic burdens. They work to aid the people around them and are considered to be channeling a special type of beneficial energy.
The third wave of volunteers is made up of the so-called crystal and rainbow children, some of whom are now in their teenage years. These children come to Earth with a modified DNA and a new chakra system – this work has just begun on this earthly plane. They are top of their class at school, and very creative too.
Just like all other people from Earth, the gift they receive at birth is forgetfulness. They don't remember where they come from or what their purpose is.
But somewhere inside there is a vague memory that Earth is not their real home, and they delve in an endless longing of that place called "Home."
But no matter their age, their specialization, their skin color or their country, these people are here to help. They are among us, similar to us. What makes them stand out is their "need to serve." In fact, serving is nothing else than a demonstration of the law of love.
This is how it works: like goes with like.
The work these people do is based on perseverance, serving the world and sacrifice – all of which are tightly connected.
Besides the three waves of volunteers who came to support Earth with their energies, we are also being helped by other entities from the entire Universe.
Some of these are:
• aliens from our own solar system, or from other solar systems in this Universe.
• entities of nature
• various entities from higher dimensions
• astral and ethereal entities
• angels and Ascended Masters
• disciples of these masters
The goals of these beings helping the planet are many.
First and foremost, they act as teachers and watchers of the human race.
They know that the ascension process is a form of mind expansion that required larger quantities of energy. Through this energy infusion process, they accelerate the operation of the physical, mental and spiritual body, purifying thoughts, emotions and behavior.

Alte titluri pentru Maria CristinaStroiny (autor):

Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. I) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. II) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. III) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. IV) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. I) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. II) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. III) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. IV) (2019)


Cei ce ajută Pământul (2019)
