The Musicians of Bremen, Black Cat English Readers & Digital Resources, Early A1, Earlyreads Series, Level 3

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Authors Fraţii Grimm
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2023
Language Engleză
Pages 32
SKU: Di1ZAWmA0y985qY2HA1E Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Fraţii Grimm
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2023
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788853015457
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 32
Cover Paperback brosat

A donkey decides to leave his master and go to Bremen, the town of music. Along the way other animals join in: a dog, a cat and a cock. They all want to go to Bremen and become musicians. It’s night, the road is long and they are hungry…

The Black Cat Cideb brand has offered a vast catalogue of English, French, Spanish, German and Italian texts since the 1970s both in the Italian market and abroad – from graded readers to texts for primary and secondary schools, including texts for certification and exam preparation to culture and grammar references. eReaders and the Black Cat Cideb app are dedicated to the world of graded readers, and are proposed in different languages and collections.


All Black Cat Cideb collections have the following features in common:

Division into levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Rich in illustrations

An intercultural Dossier

Comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and production (before and after reading) activities

Games and activities

Activities modelled on certifications (Cambridge exams, Trinity, DELF, DELE, FIT)

Audio of the text

Final test


Earlyreads: collection divided into five levels, dedicated to children and offering original stories and adapted classics. 

Target: children.

5 levels: 100 words for Level 1, 150 words for Level 2, 200 words for Level 3, 250 words for Level 4 and 300 words for Level 5.

Green Apple: collection divided into three levels, dedicated to teenagers and offering original stories and adapted classics.

Target: teenagers.

3 levels: starter (A1), step 1 (A2), step 2 (A2-B1).

Reading & Training: collection divided into six levels, dedicated to teenagers and adults and offering original stories and numerous adaptations of classics.

Target: young adults and adults.

6 levels: step 1 (A2), step 2 (B1.1), step 3 (B1.2), step 4 (B2.1), step 5 (B2.2), step 6 (C1).



Alte titluri pentru Fraţii Grimm (autor):

Comoara cu basme (2013)


Poveşti Grimm (2014)


Hansel şi Gretel. Cheița de aur (2014)


Apa vieţii. Cheița de aur (2014)


Feciorii croitorului. Cheița de aur (2014)


Scufiţa Roşie. Cheița de aur (2014)


Croitoraşul cel viteaz. Cheița de aur (2014)


Muzicanţii din Bremen. Cheița de aur (2014)


Albă-ca-Zăpada. Cheița de aur (2014)


Poveşti alese (2014)
