The Human Comedy + Online Audio + App (Step Two B1.1)

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Informații suplimentare
Authors William Saroyan
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2021
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788853020505
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 96
Cover Paperback

Homer Macauley wants to become the best telegram messenger in California. He works at night and goes to high school during the day. Homer is an ambitious teenager who dreams of doing great things. But his job brings him face-to-face with the harsh realities of life and death, as he struggles to understand the events around him. This is an unforgettable story of how hospitality, generosity and kindness can change a person’s life and make the world a better place.

Alte titluri pentru WilliamSaroyan (autor):

Aventurile lui Wesley Jackson (2013)


Tânărul neînfricat de la trapezul zburător și alte povestiri (2017)


Nebunie în familie (2013)
