The Day The Crayons Quit

53,00 lei

Authors Drew Daywalt
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
Year 2018
Language Engleză
Pages 40
SKU: jXT9rmLNkkaEpWRX3hVy Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Drew Daywalt
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
Year 2018
Illustrators Oliver Jeffers
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780007513765
Dimensions 23x25 cm
Pages 40
Cover Paperback brosat

The Number One New York Times Bestseller!

Debut author Drew Daywalt and international bestseller Oliver Jeffers team up to create a colourful solution to a crayon-based crisis in this playful, imaginative story that will have children laughing and playing with their crayons in a whole new way.

Poor Duncan just wants to colour in. But when he opens his box of crayons, he only finds letters, all saying the same thing: We quit!

Beige is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown, Blue needs a break from colouring in all that water, while Pink just wants to be used. Green has no complaints, but Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking to each other.

The battle lines have been drawn. What is Duncan to do?

Alte titluri pentru DrewDaywalt (autor):

Ziua când creioanele colorate s-au întors acasă (2021)


Ziua când au plecat creioanele colorate (2023)


Legenda jocului Piatră foarfecă hârtie (2023)


Alte titluri pentru OliverJeffers (ilustrator):

Ziua când creioanele colorate s-au întors acasă (2021)


Ziua când au plecat creioanele colorate (2023)


Băiatul care a înotat cu piranha (2022)


A fost odată un alfabet (2023)


Elanul ăsta e al meu (2023)
