The Curse of Mousebeard

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Authors Alex Milway
Publisher Astro
Year 2008
Pages 344
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Authors Alex Milway
Publisher Astro
Year 2008
ISBN-13 9780571234349
Dimensions 13x18
Pages 344

For many years, a curse has condemned Mousebeard to a life forever lived at sea. But after escaping the gallows he is determined to break it – if only to seek revenge on his mortal enemy, Isiah Lovelock. Now fugitives themselves, Emiline and Scratcher take up the pirate's cause. From infiltrating the garrison port of Hamlyn to discovering a lost world of mice, the young mousekeepers will fight old enemies and terrifying battles in their quest to break the curse. And break it they must, because Old Town's power is on the rise and only Mousebeard can stop it.