The Computer-Mediated Therapy of Anxiety

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Authors Mircea Miclea, Éva Kállay
Publisher ASCR
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Pages 130
SKU: SEsrwxIBkS1LmEpJpXaR Categorii: , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Mircea Miclea, Éva Kállay
Publisher ASCR
Year 2011
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786068244372
Dimensions 16,5x24 cm
Pages 130
Cover Paperback brosat

This volume was supported by the Grant CNCSIS-Ideas No. 2440/2008 from the National University Research Council of Romania, awarded to university professor dr. Mircea Miclea.

Worldwide, the number of individuals suffering of mental disorders is constantly increasing, while the number of certified therapists is limited. 
In these conditions, the traditional form of intervention for anxiety disorders should "reconsider its basic principles and forms of delivery" (Miclea, Miclea, & Ciuca, 2008, p. 131). 
Computer-supported/mediated psychotherapy is a recent tentative to innovate the psychotherapeutic process and match both the existent demands of the market and the new attitudes of those who seek help in the digital era. 
The major aim of this present volume is to identify the most important factors implied in the computer-mediated therapy of anxiety disorders, which may have significant consequences on fundamental aspects implied in the delivery of therapy in the 21st century.

Alte titluri pentru MirceaMiclea (autor):

Consiliere și orientare. Ghid de educaţie pentru carieră (2016)


Alte titluri pentru ÉvaKállay (autor):

Dezvoltarea competenţelor emoţionale şi sociale la preşcolari. Ghid practic pentru părinţi (2014)


Trauma. From Pathology to Growth (2014)


Managementul comportamentelor și optimizarea motivației pentru învățare (2015)


Dezvoltarea competențelor emoționale și sociale la preșcolari – Ghid practic pentru educatori (2018)


Managementul echilibrului (2020)
