The Canterville Ghost + CD + App + DeA LINK (Step Three B1.2)

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Authors Oscar Wilde
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2017
Language Engleză
Pages 80
SKU: qFaFS37q6U6tig84Ctss Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Oscar Wilde
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2017
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788853016485
Dimensions 14,5x20,5 cm - A5
Pages 80
Cover Paperback brosat

The Ghost of Sir Simon has haunted Canterville Chase for hundreds of years and scared away everyone who has lived there. But when an American millionaire buys the house for his family home, the Ghost is in for a shock! There are activities and illustrations to enhance the pleasure of reading and to allow readers to express their own feeling about the story.

Wilde’s American adventure
Haunted Britain

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Constance (2023)


Povești și povestiri bilingve. English fairy tales and stories. Povești și povestiri engleze (Vol. I) (2024)


De profundis (2023)


Portretul lui Dorian Gray (2023)


Prinţul fericit şi alte povestiri (2018)


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