The Call of the Wild

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Authors Jack London
Publisher ELI
Year 2013
Pages 80
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Jack London
Publisher ELI
Year 2013
ISBN-13 9788853632166
Pages 80

When The Call of the Wild was published the first printing of 10, 000 copies sold out immediately and it is still one the best known stories written by an American author.


Buck, a happy, quiet dog living in sunny California, is kidnapped and sent north to begin a new hard life as a sled dog during the Klondike Gold Rush. Read about his adventures and the many problems he has to face in this new cruel world. Discover how he begins to change and how he responds to the Call of the Wild.

This reader covers the following grammar areas:


Connectives, nouns, verbs, Present simple: including verbs not normally used in the continuous form, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple: narrative, reported speech, Futures with Present, going to and will, modals: could, must.