Informații suplimentare
Authors Roald Dahl
Publisher Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2016
Title (original) The BFG
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780141365428
Dimensions 197 x 128 x 13mm
Pages 224
Cover Paperback

On a dark, silvery moonlit night, Sophie is snatched from her bed by a giant. Luckily it is the Big Friendly Giant, the BFG, who only eats snozzcumbers and glugs frobscottle. But there are other giants in Giant Country.

Fifty foot brutes who gallop far and wide every night to find human beans to eat. Can Sophie and her friend the BFG stop them? Let's hope so – otherwise the next child a gruesome giant guzzles could be YOU. And now you can listen to THE BFG and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry – plus there are added squelchy soundeffects from Pinewood Studios!


Alte titluri pentru RoaldDahl (autor):

Vrăjitoarele | format mic (2014)


Unchiul Oswald (2023)


George și miraculosul său medicament | format mic (2022)


Domnul Fox, vulpoi fantastic | format mare (2019)


Țoc țoc (2019)


Charlie și Marele Ascensor de Sticlă | format mare (2023)


Danny, campionul lumii | format mare (2019)


Marele Uriaș Prietenos | format mare (2021)


Vrăjitoarele | format mare (2020)


James şi piersica uriaşă | format mare (2021)
