That's Not My… Colouring Book for Boys

34,90 lei

Authors Fiona Watt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2013
Language Engleză
Pages 36
SKU: 58pJsJSOEvfmBLXlg7Q Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Fiona Watt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2013
Illustrators Rachel Wells
Language Engleză
Dimensions 21x24 cm
Pages 36
Cover Paperback brosat

For little boys who enjoyed the phenomenally successful That's not my…touchy-feely books as babies, this is the perfect book to move on to. Full-colour illustrations of pirates, dinosaurs, vehicles and more are accompanied by bold, easy-to-colour outlines which boys are invited to customise as they wish. There is also a writing opportunity on each picture and stickers to use anywhere.

Alte titluri pentru FionaWatt (autor):

Artă şi imaginaţie (2013)


Carte de voiaj pentru desenat și colorat (2014)


Autocolante fermecate. Unicorni (2023)


Marea carte de colorat și desenat (2020)
