That's not my angel…

41,90 lei

Authors Fiona Watt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2018
Language Engleză
Pages 10
SKU: qVzVCwOpEuUMVlfWcxwg Categorii: , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Fiona Watt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2018
Illustrators Rachel Wells
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781474953542
Dimensions 16x16 cm
Pages 10
Cover Board book

Meet five beautiful angels in this festive addition to the much-loved That's not my… series. Babies love the best-selling That’s not my… books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and a mouse to spot on every page, all designed to develop sensory and language awareness.

Alte titluri pentru FionaWatt (autor):

Artă şi imaginaţie (2013)


Carte de voiaj pentru desenat și colorat (2014)


That's Not My… Colouring Book for Boys (2018)


Autocolante fermecate. Unicorni (2023)


Marea carte de colorat și desenat (2020)


Alte titluri pentru RachelWells (ilustrator):

That's Not My… Colouring Book for Boys (2018)
