Tess of the d'Urbervilles + CD (Step Five B2.2)

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Authors Thomas Hardy
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2007
Language Engleză
Pages 160
SKU: DnIoZlqyEkGpCAgo3kc7 Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Thomas Hardy
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2007
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788877549327
Dimensions 14,5x20,5 cm - A5
Pages 160
Cover Paperback brosat

The Durbeyfield family are poor and simple people, but their ancestors were the mighty d’Urbervilles, an ancient and noble family. When the Durbeyfields meet with misfortune, they send their eldest daughter Tess to visit her wealthy cousin and ask for help, but the wealthy cousin has a young son, Alec Stoke-d’Urberville, who finds Tess very attractive…

No Sex, Please, We’re Victorians

Alte titluri pentru ThomasHardy (autor):

Tess d’Urberville (2022)


Idilă pe un turn (2014)


Departe de lumea dezlănţuită (2015)


Idilă pe un turn (2016)


Tess d’Urberville (2017)


Tess d'Urberville (2019)


Jude neștiutul (2020)


Pachet Autori englezi (2020)


Departe de lumea dezlănțuită (2022)


Far from the Madding Crowd + CD (B2.1) (2023)
