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Taisul cuvintelor. O colectie de haikuuri | The Blade of Words. A Collection of Haikus. Editie bilingva

37,50 lei

Authors Anca Stuparu
Publisher Curtea Veche
Year 2023
Pages 80
SKU: bTKI5R2QyU6AL0lFO4ZU Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Anca Stuparu
Publisher Curtea Veche
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9786064415899
Dimensions 130x200
Pages 80

Taisul cuvintelor e un volum care musteste de imagini vibrante. E ca si cand fiecare pagina, odata citita, s-ar preschimba in origami. Iubirea, timpul, amagirile si trezirile sunt teme care se reliefeaza din metaforele si simbolurile pe care Anca Stuparu le intretese intr-o alcatuire caracteristica poeziei japoneze. Punctate de momente de revelatie, poemele ei se transforma in tablouri vii care, vers dupa vers, scot la iveala alte si alte povesti. Taisul cuvintelor este o calatorie in inima haikuului si, in acelasi timp, o cale asternuta cu perle catre sinele nostru cel mai ascuns, fiecare cuvant fiind o picatura de frumusete.


The Blade of Words is a volume full of vibrant, crackling images. It’s as if each page turns into origami in the very act of reading. Love, time, self-deceit, and self-understanding are the themes that issue forth from Anca Stuparu’s tight construction of metaphors and symbols characteristic of Japanese poetry. Perforated by moments of revelation, her poems amount to pointilist tableaux which, verse by verse, reveal another and another story. The Blade of Words is at once a journey deep into the heart of the haiku form and a bead-laden path – each word a drop of beauty – towards our innermost selves.