Story messages

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Informații suplimentare
Authors Lia Faccin, Cristina. Marin, Cristina Martin
Publisher Editura Pentru Artă Și Literatură
Year 2023
Translators Mara Stoica
Illustrators Sofia Matei
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786069568484
Dimensions 17x24 cm - Academic / X4
Pages 72
Cover Paperback

I chose only a few messages from the correspondence with Lia. Selection criteria? Obviously, intense emotions, feelings and infinite love.


I hope that everyone, young or old, found in our modest but honest messages a fragment of their life.


Wherever you are, the problems of life are actually the same. Perhaps reading our project, you will feel the need to write in any way, on paper or electronically, with a pen or coloured pencils. It would make us very happy, and it would be a victory for communication and the need for soul connections.


The exchange of messages between me and Lia will continue. For both grandmother and granddaughter, the effects were beneficial.


But our story does not end here.

Alte titluri pentru LiaFaccin (autor):

Mesaje de poveste (2023)


Messaggi di Favola (2023)


Alte titluri pentru CristinaMarin (autor):

Mesaje de poveste (2023)


Messaggi di Favola (2023)


Alte titluri pentru SofiaMatei (ilustrator):

Mesaje de poveste (2023)


Messaggi di Favola (2023)
