Stone's Plastic Surgery Facts and Figures

553,65 lei

Authors Tor Wo Chiu
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2011
Pages 514
SKU: 4FLXXmxCs0qRKNJExAJJ Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Tor Wo Chiu
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2011
ISBN-13 9780521139786
Pages 514

This new edition of Christopher Stone's Plastic Surgery Facts has been completely revised and updated in line with modern practice. The content reflects the changes in the FRCS Plastic Surgery Curriculum and the book is now organised according to the curriculum's major headings. Written chiefly in note form to aid revision and retention, the book provides an overview of the full spectrum of plastic surgery practice. The text has been significantly expanded and re-edited to improve clarity and readability. Clinical anatomy, points of technique and the fundamental principles relevant to each subject area are explained. Relevant published articles are reviewed and illustrations have been included to reinforce important concepts. The specific focus on the FRCS Plastic Surgery exit examination makes this invaluable reading for examination candidates. This volume offers a factual and diverse overview of the body of knowledge in the specialty and is useful for trainees at all levels.