Speakout 2nd Edition Starter ActiveTeach

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Authors Steve Oakes
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2016
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Additional information
Authors Steve Oakes
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2016
ISBN-13 9781447976981

ActiveTeach contains everything you need to help the course come alive in the classroom. It is the full digital Students’ Book and Workbook with class audio and video material including editable scripts. It includes integrated whiteboard software that allows you to add notes, embed files, save your work and reduce preparation time.


• Answers to exercises are revealed at the touch of a button.

• Audio and video content fully integrated with time-coded scripting.

• Shortcuts to the relevant pages of the Language Bank and Photo Bank make navigation easy.

• Extra resources section includes editable scripts, a range of grammar and vocabulary worksheets, BBC interviews for every unit with accompanying worksheets.

• Grammar and vocabulary review games.

• Test master containing all the course tests.

• Useful tools include a regular keyboard, a phonetic keyboard, a stopwatch and score card."