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Softskills in pediatrics. Studiu asupra deprinderilor de comunicare in pediatrie

45,00 lei

Authors Cristina Oana Marginean
Publisher University Press
Year 2018
SKU: hMxtQ9ERikSxqheR8buv Categorii: , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Cristina Oana Marginean
Publisher University Press
Year 2018
ISBN-13 9789731695280

Research conducted within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project: Softis-Ped – Softskills for Children’s Health Project Number: 2016-1-RO01-KA203-024630 Softskills in Pedatrics is the result of a pediatric health survey conducted in five European countries: Romania, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Germany through the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project: Softis-Ped – Softskills for Children’s Health Project Number: 2016-1-RO01-KA203-02463, funded by the European Commission. The aim of the current project is to identify the most important soft skills for paediatricians, match them with the best teaching methods and strategies, and elaborate guidelines and materials for training the trainers to use these methods and develop future paediatricians’ soft skills. As such, the current study will accomplish the first part of the project aims, i. e. to identify the soft skill needs in the partner countries in terms of communication, hospital environment, transparency of communication, time management and intercultural issues. The survey findings will eventually conduct to enhancement of paediatric education and services by improving communication with child patients and their families, communication within the medical team and communication across cultures.