Snow White

24,99 lei

Authors Francesca Rossi
Publisher White Star
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 64
SKU: GIkSgdY6wkicx8zi5oB1 Categorii: , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Francesca Rossi
Publisher White Star
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788854408579
Dimensions 16,5x21,5 cm
Pages 64
Cover Hardcover

From Snow White, Cinderella and Pinocchio to The Little Mermaid, The Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan: twelve of the most famous children's fairy tales of all time, gathered together in a series of essential volumes, must-haves for every budding reader's library. All children can discover or rediscover their favourite characters and identify themselves in their adventures thanks to these original texts, updated in modern, accessible language, perfect for the littlest ones as well as those already able to read on their own.

Enriching and completing the narratives are the colorful and captivating illustrations by Francesca Rossi, an artist who gives a fresh, modern touch to timeless classics.

Alte titluri pentru FrancescaRossi (autor):

Cinderella (2018)
