Smoothies & Juices

99,90 lei

Authors Cinzia Trenchi
Publisher White Star
Year 2015
Language Engleză
Pages 208
SKU: 7MdAbHK51kCFVNZoW6YA Categorii: , , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Cinzia Trenchi
Publisher White Star
Year 2015
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788854409385
Dimensions 17,5x24,5 cm
Pages 208
Cover Hardcover

Smoothies filled with fruit, rich with yogurt, or packed with veggies seasoned with herbs and spices. Juices made from healthful ingredients like pomegranate, grapefruit, and lemon, and enhanced with flavorings such as cardamom. These quick, fresh, and colorful smoothies and juices, shakes and emulsions, will keep your blender whirring. Along with the 88 recipes, there's advice on diet, nutrition, detoxing, and more.

Alte titluri pentru CinziaTrenchi (autor):

Fără gluten. Rețete gourmet (2016)


Burgeri. 50 de rețete ușoare (2016)


Sucuri și smoothies. 50 de rețete ușoare (2016)


Rețete vegane (2022)


Fără grăsimi (2022)


Superalimente (2018)


Detox: Practical Tips and Recipes for Clean Eating (2018)


Detox (2022)
