Sharpe's Trafalgar

55,87 lei

Authors Bernard Cornwell
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
Year 2000
Language Engleză
Pages 280
SKU: 6gKmXgAEZEuF1KGsKdXd Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Bernard Cornwell
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
Year 2000
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780007786190
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 280
Cover Paperback brosat

The seventeenth Sharpe novel sees Sharpe returning from India to London to join the newly formed Green Jackets in Britain.

Soldier, hero, rogue – Sharpe is the man you always want on your side. Born in poverty, he joined the army to escape jail and climbed the ranks by sheer brutal courage. He knows no other family than the regiment of the 95th Rifles whose green jacket he proudly wears.

In this adventure, Sharpe is on his way home from India. He is sailing with the Royal Navy, who are hunting a formidable French warship, the `Revenant', carrying a secret treaty that may prove lethal to the British.

The `Revenant' makes it to the safety of the French and Spanish fleets off Cadiz, and it seems Sharpe's enemies have found safety. Yet over the horizon is another fleet, led by Nelson, and Sharpe's revenge will come in a savage climax when the two armadas meet on a calm October day off Cape Trafalgar.

Alte titluri pentru BernardCornwell (autor):

Nebuni și muritori (2019)


Spada regilor. Seria Ultimul regat. Vol.12 (2021)


Călărețul morții. Seria Ultimul regat (vol. 2) (2021)


Stăpânii nordului. Seria Ultimul regat (vol. 3) (2021)


Războiul lupilor. Seria Ultimul regat (Vol.11) (2020)


Ultimul regat (Vol. 1) (2020)
