Seeds of Confidence + CD-ROM

122,76 lei

Publisher Helbling
Year 2013
Pages 192
SKU: bMVR3j3cnEGVq8JdMiKk Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Helbling
Year 2013
ISBN-13 9783852722009
Pages 192

Seeds of Confidence presents current thinking on a very important aspect of the affective domain — self-esteem — and provides teachers with motivating, creative activities for use in the classroom to develop both language skills and learner confidence. As has been said, confidence leads to competence.

In Seeds of Confidence five essential components of self-esteem are covered: security, identity, belonging, purpose and competence. Many suggestions are given for dealing with each in the classroom and so creating a classroom climate in which real language learning can grow.

Using Seeds of Confidence in their classrooms, teachers can become more resourceful and can enhance their teaching practice and their own motivation. Many activities can also be adapted for use in teaching other subjects and in facilitating learning in all contexts.

Seeds of Confidence comes with a multimedia CD-ROM/Audio CD with worksheets, stories, poems, short videos, music and recordings of parts of the activities. It may be used on a computer and with a CD player.

There are activities for all levels, from elementary to advanced.