Rousseau's Dog

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Authors John Eidinow
Publisher Astro
Year 2006
Pages 408
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Informații suplimentare
Authors John Eidinow
Publisher Astro
Year 2006
ISBN-13 9780571224050
Dimensions 14 x 19
Pages 408

In Rousseau's Dog, David Edmonds and John Eidinow bring their engaging style and analysis to the bitter and very public quarrel that turned these two giants, the most influential thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, into the deadliest of foes. The result is a story of celebrity and its price, of shameless spin, of destroyed reputations and shattered friendships. It is a story of two men whose writings would forever shape our world but whose personalities and ideas could scarcely have had less in common. It is also the story of reason and skepticism, as epitomized by Hume, colliding with the emotionalism and highly personalized confessional style pioneered by Rousseau.