Revolting Rhymes (Colour Edition)

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Authors Roald Dahl
Publisher Puffin Books, Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 52
SKU: OVD1oGG8K0OxLu6rSx2K Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Roald Dahl
Publisher Puffin Books, Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2016
Title (original) Revolting Rhymes (Colour Edition)
Illustrators Quentin Blake
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780141369327
Dimensions 265 x 195 x 5mm
Pages 52
Cover Paperback

Roald Dahl's irreverent and hilarious collection, Revolting Rhymes. This book is filled with revolting rhymes. (Be warned: It's no ordinary Once upon a time).

There's poor Cindy whose heart was torn to shreds, because her Prince, he chops off heads!Snow White's dwarfs although awfully nice, are guilty of one shocking vice . . .

And what becomes of Goldilocks, that nasty thieving little louse, when she goes sneaking around the three bear's house . . .

Listen to REVOLTING RHYMES and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry – plus there are added squelchy soundeffects from Pinewood Studios! Look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! inspired by the revolting Twits.

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