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Limba Franceză. Ghidul profesorului L2. Clasa a VIII-a. Original price was: 66,00 lei.Current price is: 59,40 lei.

Postgraduate Orthopaedics: The Candidate's Guide to the FRCS (Tr & Orth) Examination

726,62 lei

Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2017
Pages 967
SKU: mBPPy0x5EaJo6doUBz6j Category:
Additional information
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2017
ISBN-13 9781107451643
Pages 967

The third edition of Postgraduate Orthopaedics has been fully updated, revised and expanded to meet the challenges of a continually changing exam format, providing detailed core orthopaedic knowledge and insight into tactics and pre-exam planning to increase a candidate's chance of success. Written by a core of authors chosen specifically for their knowledge of the key factors for exam success, this edition includes more illustrations and diagrams and additional exam-focused material for the trickier areas of the syllabus. The trauma chapter has been separated into four distinct sections to improve the overall trauma content. The book also includes a dedicated chapter on what books to read, reflecting the fact that this area has become more complicated in recent years, and an applied basic science chapter, which focuses on basic science viva questions in detail. This guide continues to evolve and has established itself as the definitive text for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam.