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62,70 lei

Authors Eleanor H. Porter
Publisher ELI
Year 2016
Pages 80
SKU: DGEGJLjLmEOTnQWo8iFb Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Eleanor H. Porter
Publisher ELI
Year 2016
ISBN-13 9788853631893
Pages 80

Pollyanna is eleven when she arrives in Beldingsville to live with her aunt, Miss Polly Harrington. It isn't easy for Pollyanna, her aunt is a difficult, cold woman and everyone she meets in the town is sad. But Pollyanna always looks for the good in life and she knows how to make friends. soon the people she meets start to change. There is only one person who does not change… Will Pollyanna's aunt learn how to be happy?


Vocabulary areas: friendship, feelings, family relationships, house and home

Grammar and structures: Present simple, past simple and progressive, present perfect, future "will" and "going to", Infinitive of purpose, Conjunctions: and, but, so; clauses with before and after, Prepositions: through, down, into; looks / sounds + adjectives