Play with Benjy + DVD 1

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Authors Maria Grazia Bertarini, Paolo Iotti
Publisher ELI
Year 2009
Pages 95
SKU: uIu8w6L5Mk6ojeaTid4f Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Maria Grazia Bertarini, Paolo Iotti
Publisher ELI
Year 2009
ISBN-13 9788853604347
Dimensions 21,1 x 29,1 cm
Pages 95

These two fun exercise books present revision and consolidation activities for vocabulary and linguistic structures learnt in the primary school. Based on stories about Benjy the Bear and his bunch of jolly friends, the books propose various activities that are fun and interactive to be carried out before, during and after watching the short films. The attached DVD, compatible with the Interactive Whiteboard, contain animated stories, cartoons and songs.

The simple and clear structure renders these volumes adaptable also for individual use at home or as an exercise book for the holidays.