Picture Dictionary

56,10 lei


Authors Lawrence Mamas
Publisher Global ELT
Year 2014
Pages 112
SKU: svfra1P0UaHWuC8NAE27 Categorii: , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Lawrence Mamas
Publisher Global ELT
Year 2014
ISBN-13 9781781641033
Pages 112

Dictionarul este conceput pentru a ajuta elevii de engleza la nivel de inceput si primar, sa isi dezvolte vocabularul si sa invete sa recunoasca cuvinte intregi. Contine peste 1000 de cuvinte selectate pe baza unui amplu program de cercetare.

Cuvintele sunt organizate in teme precum camera de zi, locul de joaca etc.

Dictionarul este ilustrat in tot cu imagini pline de culoare.

The Picture dictionary is designed to help learners of English at the beginning and primary level, develop their vocabulary and learn to recognise whole words. It is an ideal first dictionary for young learners at threshold level to read.

The selected words are a little more than 1000 and they were selected based on an extensive research programme.

The words are organised in topics such as the Living Room, the Playground etc.

The dictionary is illustrated throughout with lively and colorourful pictures