Old Mother Hubbard

34,90 lei


Authors Russell Punter
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2010
Language Engleză
Pages 32
SKU: ZNKMeDoEU2XQjnZAnBQq Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Russell Punter
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2010
Illustrators Fred Blunt
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781409522218
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 32
Cover Hardcover

This is a new title in the fantastic "First Reading Series", part of the Usborne Young Reading Programme. It is aimed at children who are beginning to read. It's dinnertime for Old Mother Hubbard's dog – but the cupboard is bare! It is developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, who is Principal Lecturer in Education from Roehampton University and an early reading specialist. Every title in this series features clear and compelling text accompanied by charming and highly appealing illustrations. It is designed to motivate children as they learn to read.

Alte titluri pentru RussellPunter (autor):

Povești cu oameni de zăpadă. Nivel începători (2022)


Povești cu dinozauri (2022)


Stories of Cowboys (2018)


There was a Crooked Man (2018)


Stories of Monsters (2018)


Androcles and the Lion (2018)


Old Mother Hubbard + CD (2018)


There was a Crooked Man (+CD) (2018)


Alte titluri pentru FredBlunt (ilustrator):

Old Mother Hubbard + CD (2018)
