Nyangoma's Story. A Child's Life in Uganda

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Authors Jane Cadwallader
Publisher ELI
Year 2021
Pages 32
SKU: HShuh8WVIUKWpjFaJBeh Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Jane Cadwallader
Publisher ELI
Year 2021
ISBN-13 9788853631695
Pages 32

Part of the "Real Lives" collection.


Nyangoma, a twelve-year-old African girl invites the reader into her world to meet her family and to see what everyday life is like in a real Ugandan village. Come and find out about her home and school and what Nyangoma and her friends do in their free time. Then discover what happens to her one day on the way to school…

Vocabulary areas

Home and family, food, animals, the

world around us

Grammar and structures: Past continuous – Present perfect – Will – Adverbs – Conjunctions after before – If so – If and when clauses (in zero conditionals) – Before / after clauses – Verbs that take infinite /gerund – Infinitive of purpose – Be/look like – Be made of/from – Comparatives and; superlatives – Descriptive adjectives