Nothing More to Tell

60,00 lei

Authors Karen M. Mcmanus
Publisher Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2022
Language Engleză
Pages 368
SKU: aUwPJznQbUqKWhdSf5qI Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Karen M. Mcmanus
Publisher Penguin Random House Children's UK
Year 2022
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780241473689
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 368
Cover Paperback brosat

True crime can leave a false trail.

Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favourite teacher. The case was never solved, but she's sure that the three kids who found Mr. Larkin's body know more than they're telling, especially her ex-best friend Tripp Talbot. He's definitely hiding something.

When Brynn gets an internship working on a popular true-crime show, she decides to investigate what really happened that day in the woods. But the further she dives into the past, the more secrets she finds.

Four years ago someone got away with murder. Now it's time to uncover the truth . . .

Alte titluri pentru Karen M.McManus (autor):

Unul dintre noi minte (ediție tie-in) (2022)


Verișorii (2021)


Îmi vei fi sfârșitul (2023)


Doi pot ține un secret (2019)


Unul dintre noi urmează (2020)
