Much Ado About Nothing

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Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Sigma
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 136
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Additional information
Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Sigma
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9789736499418
Dimensions 14,5x20,5 cm - A5
Pages 136
Cover Paperback brosat

Much Ado About Nothing is one of William Shakespeare’s best-loved comedies. Much Ado About Nothing includes two quite different stories of romantic love. Hero and Claudio fall in love at first sight, but an outsider, Don John, strikes out at their happiness. Beatrice and Benedick are kept apart by pride and mutual antagonism until others decide to play Cupid.
The word “nothing” would have been pronounced “noting” in Shakespeare’s time, so the play is as much about noting and seeing as being about a lot of fuss about nothing.

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Visul unei nopți de vară. Cum vă place (2014)


William Shakespeare. Opere complete (vol. I+II) Comedii, Poeme, Sonete (2015)


Opere IX. Eduard al III-lea. Mult zgomot pentru nimic. Macbeth (2015)


Othello. Regele Lear (2022)


Othello (2016)


Opere I: Sonete.Furtuna (2016)


Opere II: Hamlet (2016)


Opere III: A douăsprezecea noapte. Doi veri de stirpe aleasă. Nevestele vesele din Windsor (2016)


Opere IV: Îmblânzirea scorpiei. Regele Ioan. Vis de-o noapte-n miezul verii (2016)
